
In addition to our webstore, ArmSoar models and products as well as KST servos can be purchased through our distributors located around the world: 

Premiere Dealers

China AERO+ nickbox@qq.com


Country Company Email
Australia Performance Models
Austria Fly More info@fly-more.at
Japan Kenichi Izumi / Toyohiko Asazuma abendthermik@gmail.com
North America ArmSoar USA info@armsoar.com
Poland Art Hobby arthobby@arthobby.pl


If you would like to sell our products, including our BAMF 2, Deviant, and Fury models and KST servos, please send us an email! We are looking for distributors all over the globe.

ArmSoar is an official KST factory distributor and supplies many stores around the world. If you would like to sell KST servos in your store, please be sure to send us an email!